

Programming Week 30 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 Mon 07-22-24 WOD: 35 min AMRAP – 50 Walballs 9/6kg – 40 Box Jumps 24/20″ – 30 T2B / 30 L-Ups – 20 double kb Deadlifts @ 2×20/2×12 kg – 700 m Run Wed 07-24-24 WOD: FOR TIME – 20 Burpees + 400/300m…

Programming Week 30 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 5×2 Clean & Jerk* *Goal is 70-80% or Moderate-Heavy. Option for Squat or Power. Does not need to be TNG. (Score is Weight) AMRAP x 10 MINUTES 1 Power Clean* 5 Handstand Push-Ups 15 Air Squats *Weight Options… KG BB1:…

Programming Week 29 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 07-15-24 Partner WOD – 1.4km RUN ( together ) – 120 Ground to Overhead Plate @20/15kg (split) – 700m run Burden Run @20/15kg per person (together) – 120 Burpee Jump on the plate (split) – 2000m Row (split) 07-17-24 WOD: 33 min AMRAP…

Programming Week 29 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 5×3 Snatch* *Goal is 60-70% or Moderate. Option for Squat or Power. Does not need to be TNG. AMRAP x 10 MINUTES 2-4-6-and so on… Power Snatch (115/75) Toes to Bar (Score is Rounds + Reps) KG BB: (52.5/35) Tuesday:…

Programming Week 28 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 07-08-24 FOR TIME 5 ROUNDS – 90 Double Unders – 25 KB Russian Swings @20/12kg – 400m Run – 20 Burpees over the KB – 200m Run – 15 Wall Balls @6/4kg 07-10-24 A) WOD: 15 min AMRAP BUDDY WOD – 1000m Bike…

Programming Week 28 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 3×5 Tempo Deadlifts (31X1)* *Use the same Moderate weight for all sets. Goal is heavier than workout weight. 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 500/400m Row 25 Deadlifts (155/105) 12 Bar Muscle-Ups (Score is Time) KG BB: (70/47.5) Tuesday: EVERY 3:00 x…

Programming Week 27 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 07-01-24 FOR TIME: – 300 m Row – 50 DU / 100 SU – 15 Goblet Squats @ 12/8kg – 300 m Row – 50 DU / 100 SU – 14 Goblet Squats @ 12/8kg – 300 m Row – 50 DU /…

Programming Week 27 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: ON AN 8:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Practice Rope Climbs* *Focus on fully opening the hips before repositioning the hands. EMOM x 16 MINUTES MIN 1 – 12 Box Jumps (30/24) MIN 2 – 15 Burpees MIN 3 – Max Rope Climbs…

Programming Week 26 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 06-17-24 PARTNER WOD 200 Burpees for time. Every 50 Burpees – row 1 km and run 400m with your buddy. including after last set of 50 burpees 🙂 06-19-24 KALSU XXL FOR TIME 100 DB Thrusters for time @2×15/10kg Every 2 min perform:…

Programming Week 26 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: Build to a Heavy 2-Rep Power Clean 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 800m Run 20 Burpees to Target* 10 Power Cleans (185/135) *Target is 6″” Above Standing Reach. (Score is Time) KG BB: (85/60) Tuesday: ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build…

Programming Week 25 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 06-17-24 PARTNER WOD 200 Burpees for time. Every 50 Burpees – row 1 km and run 400m with your buddy. including after last set of 50 burpees 🙂 06-19-24 KALSU XXL FOR TIME 100 DB Thrusters for time @2×15/10kg Every 2 min perform:…

Programming Week 25 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: ON A 18:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build to a Heavy 3-Rep Push Jerk* *Up to or Heavier than Workout Weight. (Score is Weight) ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Max Cal Bike* *Every 2:00, including 0:00, complete 5 Shoulder to Overhead (185/135).…