

Programming Week 37 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 09/09 5 ROUNDS: – 40 cal machine – 30 DB Snatch @15/10kg – 20 Burpee Box Jump 1:30 REST Timecap: 40 minutes 11/09 6 ROUNDS: – 1 min max cal machine – 1 min REST 1 min REST 6 ROUNDS: – 1 min…

Programming Week 37 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: EMOM x 10 MINUTES 1 Clean & Jerk 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 2 Clean & Jerks (225/155) 30 Double Unders (Score is Time) KG BB: (100/70) Tuesday: EMOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 – :50 Up-Downs MIN 2 – :50…

Programming Week 36 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 02/09 WOD: 2 rounds for time – 50 Cal Machine – 50 Double Unders – 50 Goblet squats 20/12kg – 50 Hand Release Push Ups – 700 m Run – 50 Hand Release Push Ups – 50 Goblet squats 20/12kg – 50 Double…

Programming Week 36 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans (135/95) 7 Strict Pull-Ups 400m Run (Score is Time) KG BB: (60/42.5) Tuesday: AMRAP x 20 MINUTES 50/40 Cal Bike 50 Sit-Ups 125 Double Unders (Score is Rounds + Reps)…

Programming Week 35 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 Monday 26 Aug 24 WOD: 10 ROUNDS – 25 cal machine – 10 Burpees – 100m run REST 30 sec Timecap: 36 minutes Wednesday 28 Aug 24 WOD: FOR TIME – 1000/850m Row – 700m Run – 500m Ski – 800/650m Row –…

Programming Week 35 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 5×5 Tempo Deadlifts (31X1) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 35 Double Unders* 10 Deadlifts (185/135) *Option for Unbroken Double Unders. (Score is Rounds + Reps) KG BB: (85/60) Tuesday: 4 SETS 400m Run 25 Pull-Ups 20 Alt. Pistols -Rest 2:00 b/t…

Programming Week 34 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 19 August 24 WOD: BUDDY WOD FOR TIME – 2km Machine that is available – 2.2 km Run -150 Wall Balls @6/4kg -150 AbMat Sit Ups Complete in any order you like to achieve the fastest time. 1 works, 1 rests. Timecap: 35…

Programming Week 34 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 5-5-5-5 Sumo Deadlift* *Start Moderate and end Moderate-Heavy. Complete 8/8 DB Goblet Split Squats (Athlete Choice) b/t each set. EVERY 2:00 x 6 SETS 20/15 Cal Bike Max Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65) in Time Remaining… -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-…

Programming Week 33 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 Monday 12 Aug 24 BRING A FRIEND WORKOUT: TEAMS OF 2: 35 min AMRAP – 20 cal Machine that is available, if only bike erg, + 5 cal – 20 Burpees to target (pull up bar) – 40 AbMat Sit Ups – 40…

Programming Week 33 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: Build to a 1-Rep Snatch FOR TIME 12-9-6-3 Box Jumps (30/24) 4-3-2-1 Squat Snatch* *Perform at 85% of Heavy 1-Rep (Score is Time) Tuesday: 5 SETS FOR MAX REPS 1:00 – Cal Bike 1:00 – Front Squat (75/55) 1:00 –…

Programming Week 32 – 2024-Hall 4

ENDURANCE-Hall 4 08-05-24 BUDDY WORKOUT WOD: 10 ROUNDS – 10 Devil Presses @2×15/10kg – 30 cal (Machine that is available, bike erg is + 5 cal) After round 2-4-6-8 and 10th = run together 400m Timecap: 42 Minutes  7 Aug 24 WOD: 38 AMRAP BUDDY…

Programming Week 32 – 2024-Hall 6

WODs – LOCATION-HALL 6 Monday: 3-3-3 Clean & Jerk* *Start Light and end Moderate. This is a Deload Week. Option for Squat or Power. FOR TIME 200m DB Farmers Carry (50/35) 30 Hang Power Clean & Jerks (95/65) 60/50 Cal Bike 30 Hang Power Clean…