
U1 Fundamental Classes

  • nov 28, 2022
  • CrossFit U1

CrossFit U1 offers a unique on-ramp program, consisting of 12 classes, these are our U1 Fundamentals, covering the standard, fundamental movements of CrossFit. Check out the dates, follow the classes and check them off your checklist. This is a great start to CrossFit in combination with our U1 Lite classes, as well as Strength, Weightlifting & Endurance..


Fundamental Classes are: Every Monday Evening 18:30-19:30 & Every Wednesday 17:30-18:30 & 18:30 & 19:30

Join our community @CrossFit: Subscription 

FREE Trial Class for ‘New Starters’ to CrossFit

We are happy to help with any questions. Contact us.

info@crossfitu1.nl06 57129352

 crossfit_u1            crossfitu1

We look forward to seeing you at U1