Getting Started with CrossFit

CrossFit U1 is the only box in Utrecht offering a start-up package as well as Fundamentals classes:

Offering you ‘The right way to start CrossFit’

We offer a 2 month package deal, so you get the opportunity to really try our CrossFit & get a feel for U1 and our awesome community.

CrossFit U1 offers more!

You can sign into and experience all our classes. 

Join our community @CrossFit: Subscription 

FREE Trial Class for ‘New Starters’ to CrossFit

For the first month , New Starters can follow our 12 fundamental classes, in combination with our Morning WODs (workout of the day), Endurance & Hyrox classes, as well as our U1 Lite, Strength and Weightlifting classes For your second month, you can participate in all our classes in both of our halls. This is an excellent start in progressing towards to your fitness goal.

Our step for step plan to follow:

The Benefits of our Fundamental classes

  • The fundamental movements, cover the core movements we use in any CrossFit workout.
  • We don’t just teach you how to do them, we teach you why we do them.
  • Learn the basic techniques and skills.
  • Small groups aimed at more attention and detail.
  • We take time for your questions.
  • You are in a group with ‘New Starters’ together.
  • Being a part of an awesome community.

The Results from doing CrossFit

  • Become fitter and healthier.
  • Gain confidence with the new movements.
  • Meet new and engaging people.
  • Step out of your comfort zone.

Key Points, you can feel and live! 

  1. CrossFit is for all levels and age groups.
  2. You do not have to be fit to start.
  3. You start to get fit or fitter when you attend classes consistently.
  4. You learn a new and exciting sport.
  5. You will be challenged.
  6. Feeling fit is a great feeling !

You can sign into and experience all our classes. 

Join our community @CrossFit: Subscription 

FREE Trial Class for ‘New Starters’ to CrossFit

We are happy to help with any questions. Contact us.

info@crossfitu1.nl06 57129352

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 CrossFit U1, the best value for your health